Website Design and Development

Our WordPress developers and user experience specialists build lightning
fast websites with bespoke code to ensure that your business ranks highly
in search engine results.

Web Design & Development

Throughout advancements in web technology, the fundamentals of great design, high-quality development and ease of use remain constant across all our web development projects. 

Not satisfied with using the third-party tool Elementor, at MMD we build and design eye-catching websites with Gutenberg, WordPress’ native editor. It may be more time consuming for our web design and development experts, but this intuitive drag-and-drop interface provides great flexibility and makes it easier than ever to update your website in the future. 

Why our web design services are different

An obsession with speed

Slow loading times waste precious seconds and damage your SEO. We’re laser-focused on delivering the best speed and performance.

Realistic about outcomes

No bluster, all honesty. We’ll always be upfront about the opportunities AND the risks.

A balance between user needs and business goals

That magic formula of pleasing your visitors while meeting the business goals that matter most.

A relentless attention to search results

Get yourself heard over the digital noise thanks to our expertise in delivering measurable results.

User experience and conversion rate optimisation

A constant quest for improvement

We believe in continuous, efficient improvement through testing and measuring.

Why choose MMD?

  • Experienced Professionals
    Creative, technical and marketing skills mixed with decades of experience and delivered with scientific rigour.
  • Multi-disciplinary team
    We’re specialists so you don’t have to be. From WordPress wizards to super strategists, we cohesively work together to breathe life into your business online. 
  • Part of your business
    Adding real value to your business means getting to know your needs and goals like the back of our hand.
  • Global Credentials
    Since 2007, we’ve worked with hundreds of businesses across different sectors and parts of the world.

Great communication, quick responses and thorough research and options provided at all stages of development. It’s a real benefit to know we have support in place to deal with whatever comes up next.

Adam Smith, Berkshire Meat Traders Ltd

Find out what else our customers are saying

The (not so) secret formula behind every mmd website

Every website we build, every plan we deliver is underpinned by

  • An obsession with speed and performance
  • Realism about results and outcomes
  • A balance between user needs and business goals
  • A relentless attention to search results
  • A joy in delivering simple over complex
  • A constant quest for improvement


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mmd's laboratory

Performance Obsession

An obsession with speed and performance

A few seconds is all you have before your user becomes an ex-user. Slow loading times waste those seconds, ruin search rankings and damage your brand.

Realistic Outcomes

Realism about results and outcomes

Agencies can, and frequently do, promise the earth. As a client you want confidence and knowledge, you don’t need unsubstantiated bluster. We aim to be honest about the opportunities AND the risks.

Laser-focused Goals

A balance between user needs and business goals

If websites were people, some would be all me, me, me, others are so anxious to please they forget what matters to them.  A website only works when it meets the aims of your business and the aims of your visitor.

Relentless Search Focus

A relentless attention to search results

If a website launches and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? In our opinion, undoubtedly yes – the sound of money being flushed away. Search engine optimisation is one crucial way to get yourself heard above the digital noise.


A joy in delivering simple over complex

Apple built its entire success on giving us less. Less buttons, less wires, less clutter. Revolutionary simplicity. Every time complex web design forces a user to stop and think, they will think about leaving to a competitor instead.

Constant Refinement

A constant quest for improvement

In our decades of experience working in digital, one thing has remained constant: unrelenting change. If you’re not regularly reviewing, analysing and updating your digital presence – you can be sure your competitors are and you’ll soon be left behind

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Browse our FAQs below. If we haven’t answered your question, get in touch

How much do you charge for a new website?

Cost can depend on many different factors, such as desired functionality and your goals as a business. As our websites are custom-built, we have scalability to meet your needs and budget. Get in touch with us today to request a quote. 

Do you just build WordPress websites?

WordPress, when used correctly, is a powerful platform that easily facilitates lightning speeds, great functionality, SEO-friendliness and, crucially, ease of use. That’s why it’s our only choice for building a great website.

What plug-ins do the websites have?

WordPress offers thousands of plug-ins (also known as website extensions or add-ons) that can add additional features and functionality to your website without the need for coding. These are easy to use and flexible, making updating your website easier than ever.

Do you build templated websites?

Our WordPress experts build MMD’s website templates completely from scratch, and will design and build you a website that’s custom-made to your needs and goals. Get inspired by taking a look at some of our work.  

How easy would it be to update my website?

With its intuitive content management system, vast library of themes and plug-ins, and ongoing security updates, WordPress is extremely user-friendly. And when you choose MMD, we’ll be on-hand to help you get to grips with your new website.

What is Gutenburg?

Gutenberg is the name of the WordPress default editor. It enables users to create and design content using individual blocks for text, images, videos and other site elements on a drag-and-drop interface. This provides great flexibility and makes it easier than ever to update your website.

Do you create websites with animation and video?

MMD can build websites with animations and video, and these often help to make your website more interesting and dynamic. However, they should only be used when they support a great user experience, do not prove distracting or negatively affect the website’s speed.

How can I contact you?

Complete our contact form here, or give us a call on 0118 380 0131.

Where can I see examples of your work?

From user journey mapping and WordPress development to SEO, hosting and more, find out what we’ve delivered for a range of our clients here